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Thursday, January 20, 2011

I am poem

I am curios, happy
I wonder if their are aliens out their
I hear laughing
I see a plane flying in the sky
I want to go to the moon
I am curios, happy
I pretend to fly
I fell like laughing
I touch a pencil
I worry that I will die today
I cry when I see a homeless dog
I am curios happy
I understand that I need to go to school
I say I believe in aliens
I dream about flying
I try to do good in school
I hope to go to Mars
I am

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Break

I just stayed home on the break except one day I went to my friends house with Eric Hopkins and watched Scott Pilgrim VS the World.  It was a funny night.  For Christmas I got a d-pole for lacrosse, that's a 6-ft long pole that the defense use but middies can use it also.  But I can't use it because it's really cold outside and there is no space inside.  I also got new shoulder pads and gloves because the ones I had before are like torn and the shoulder pads are like a millimeter thick.  I also watched Shrek.


I think the utopia has lots of good things and lots of bad things.  And some things can be bad and good at the same time.  Like arranged marriages, It's a bad thing because people can't choose who they want to marry.  But it's also kind of a good thing because people can't make wrong decisions and there would be no devorces.  Releases are a really bad idea though.  Like if twins are born you keep the heavier one but inject the other one with fluids that kill it in 3 seconds.  So basically you killing a baby over weight, and then you put the little body in a box and send it down a garbage chute.  I think iv'e proved my point.  Picking people jobs is kinda good though because the elders watch you while you are growing up and what you do so they can match you with the perfect job.  But once they pick it for you your stuck for life.  It's good that there's no money though cause no one will be poor.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2nd english assignment

I once had a cat, a little cat called Whiskers.  Whiskers was kind of a mean cat he would scratch and sometimes bite.  I got the cat when me and my family moved to this big house, but we didn't buy it we rented it. The owners said they couldn't take the cat where they were going so they gave it to us.  2 years later they moved back into the house so we had to leave and so we lost Whiskers.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

english assignment

I am going to talk about my dog Van. It is prounounced Von though. The day we got Van was a wonderfull memory. He was actually our old neighbors dog but we didn't know that. One sunday evening I walked home from church and Van followed me home. He stayed in our backyard for the whole night until it was really cold and he was shivering at our back glass sliding door.  Finally my dad let us let him in and we put him in our laundry room. When I got home the next day he was gone we found his owners. Then a month later they said they were having another baby and couldn't have a dog around the house so they gave him to us for FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Isn't that wonderfull.  THE END.